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REMOTE LEARNING PLAN - REVISED ON 08/11/2020 (8/10/2020)
REMOTE LEARNING (reduced) SUPPLY LIST 2020 -2021 (8/4/2020)
Uniform Update (8/3/2020)
Instructional Delivery Selection Form (7/18/2020)
School Uniforms (7/21/2020)
The 2020-2021 school year is quickly approaching...we can’t wait to see you all in your BridgePrep gear!! Get your uniforms today! #BridgePrepUniforms #BridgePrepAcademy #BridgePrepBulldogs |
2020-2021 School Supply List (7/20/2020)
Hopefully you are having a restful summer and beginning to think about your children’s return to school. We are keeping a close watch with the most recent developments as it relates to the COVID-19 situation and how it will affect the education of our children. We are very cognizant of ensuring you have options for either live or remote learning for your children. The release of these supply lists does not in any manner imply we will definitely be having live instruction, this final decision will be later determined as the situation continues to develop. In an effort to be proactive and ensure the safety of our children in our building, we are making sure you understand that these list are mandatory and will strictly be used for your children only. Due to the current situation we will not be able to “share” supplies with students who did not provide their own. Moreover, these lists provide guidance on what supplies need to be labeled with your children’s name for their use only. Again, you will ONLY be required to provide these supplies when we move to live instruction in the school building. Estimados Padres, Esperamos hayan tenido un verano tranquilo y con salud. De seguro están comenzando a organizarse para el comienzo de clases. Por nuestra parte, estamos bien atentos a las noticias y a los cambios constantes en relación a COVID-19 y cómo afectará la educación de nuestros niños. La publicación de la lista de útiles escolares no implica, de ninguna manera, que comenzaremos las clases de manera presencial, estamos a la espera de una decisión final en la medida que los hechos se desarrollen. En un esfuerzo por asegurar el bienestar de nuestros niños, necesitamos que comprendan que esta lista es obligatoria y que los útiles serán utilizados esctrictamente por el estudiante que los proporcione, ya que, debido la a situación actual no será posible "compartir" entre estudiantes. De hecho esta lista contiene instrucciones de qué útiles deberán ser etiquetados con el nombre del estudiante. Estos útiles serán requeridos a partir del momento que las clases sean dictadas en el predio de la escuela. |
Mobile Uniform Sale (click here for link) (7/16/2020)
Remember to save the date! July 24th, from 9 am to 4 pm, for our uniform sale on-site. If you would like to reserve a spot in advance, click on the link below. If an appointment is not made, you will still be served on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointment scheduling will close the day prior to the sale. Thanks and have a great day! |
Health and Safety Precautions (7/12/2020)
BridgePrep Academy Parents, Students and Staff, We truly hope you are doing well. We wanted to share that all of our schools have been working very diligently to properly prepare for the Re-Opening of our schools throughout the State Of Florida. Even though we operate in different school districts with different levels of COVID 19 statistics, we wish to share how all of our campuses are preparing with preventive measures for the future return of our students and faculty this fall. Attached you will find our safety procedures and plan of action in both English and Spanish. In addition, we have added 2 QR code links to a Spanish and English video from two of our Principals sharing their messages. We hope to continue to share the proactive measures we are taking and rest assured that whatever the State approved Instructional platform, BridgepPrep Academy will be ready to serve your children and our staffs needs. Stay Safe and Alert for further updates, BridgePrep Academy Governing Board |
Attention Parents (7/10/2020)
The school district asked families to complete a Pre-Registration Questionnaire as part of preparation process and planning for the reopening of schools for the upcoming school year. You DO NOT need to submit this form as it does not apply to BridgePrep Academy. Please rest assured that we are taking every precaution in presenting our tentative plans to the state as we would like to offer parents flexibility and options to ensure that we can meet both full traditional in class live instruction as well as remote instruction to accommodate to the needs of our students and families. We will be finalizing our plans, submitting them to the state and sending you the BridgePrep Academy specific Selection Form via email as soon as it becomes available. We will keep you informed on our social media pages and website when the form is sent out in the coming days. #BridgePrepAcademy #BridgePrepBulldogs #elementaryschool #middleschool #schoolculture #schoolfamily #COVIDReopeningPlan #charterschools Join the BridgePrep family today! apply.bridgeprephollywoodhills.com Facebook: @BridgePrepAcademyHollywoodHills Instagram: @BridgePrep_Hollywood ❤️Twitter: @BPA_Hollywood |
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